Seeing History in Rome, Italy
When you know the history of a place, you can identify more easily the resilience that some populations demonstrate.
Weaving through the streets of Rome with my photographer friend, Luigi, he pointed out patterns of lines and light that would make interesting photos.
I made this photo because of the visual appeal. All the people were facing one direction and the tallest of them was facing the other direction.
I am in love with supportive communities and drawn to the elders of a population. This always takes me back to my loving grandparents and the community they were from.
Though, after I made the photo, and since, I’ve paused when I look at it. Rome founded one of the oldest Jewish ghettos in the world. Jews were confined to living in the worst quality land for over 300 years.
Today the neighborhood is centrally located and in a desirable area. But when you can appreciate the history of the place, you grow more wonder for all that is around you.
Originally published at on August 14, 2021.