Member-only story
Social Media for Professional Learning
One of the keys to increasing engagement in learning is using a student’s current interests and knowledge base as a springboard to new learning. A key social media engagement technique is finding out where stakeholders already are engaged, and using that platform to reach them.
Put in these terms, pairing learning with social media seems like a natural fit.
A valid point raised in Social Media Vital to Professional Development is that many people dismiss the power of social media as being “all junk”. Let’s rethink this idea.
LinkedIn for Professional Learning
If you want to be recognized professionally for a certain knowledge base, where do you start demonstrating all that you know? The answer is where you have the most professional connections. In my case, the easy answer was LinkedIn.
Like many people, years ago when the platform was much younger, I set up an account and started connecting with people that I knew through school and work. When I was ready for a change in position, I targeted where I wanted to be, then I started writing long-form posts about what I know, and posting shorter updates with links, similar to a feed on Facebook or Twitter. What happened next?